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検索結果: 34 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution, stress partitioning and thermodynamics in the dynamic transformation of Fe-14Ni alloy

Li, L.*; 宮本 吾郎*; Zhang, Y.*; Li, M.*; 諸岡 聡; 及川 勝成*; 友田 陽*; 古原 忠*

Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 184, p.221 - 234, 2024/06

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Dynamic transformation (DT) of austenite ($$gamma$$) to ferrite ($$alpha$$) in the hot deformation of various carbon steels was widely investigated. However, the nature of DT remains unclear due to the lack of quantitative analysis of stress partitioning between two phases and the uncertainty of local distribution of substitutional elements at the interface in multi-component carbon steels used in the previous studies. Therefore, in the present study, a binary Fe-Ni alloy with $$alpha$$+$$gamma$$ duplex microstructure in equilibrium was prepared and isothermally compressed in $$alpha$$+$$gamma$$ two-phase region to achieve quantitative analysis of microstructure evolution, stress partitioning and thermodynamics during DT. $$gamma$$ to $$alpha$$ DT during isothermal compression and $$alpha$$ to $$gamma$$ reverse transformation on isothermal annealing under unloaded condition after deformation were accompanied by Ni partitioning. The lattice strains during thermomechanical processing were obtained via in-situ neutron diffraction measurement, based on which the stress partitioning behavior between $$gamma$$ and $$alpha$$ was discussed by using the generalized Hooke's law. A thermodynamic framework for the isothermal deformation in solids was established based on the basic laws of thermodynamics, and it was shown that the total Helmholtz free energy change in the deformable material during the isothermal process should be smaller than the work done to the deformable material. Under the present thermodynamic framework, the microstructure evolution in the isothermal compression of Fe-14Ni alloy was well explained by considering the changes in chemical free energy, plastic and elastic energies and the work done to the material. In addition, the stabilization of the soft $$alpha$$ phase in Fe-14Ni alloy by deformation was rationalized since the $$gamma$$ to $$alpha$$ transformation decreased the total Helmholtz free energy by decreasing the elastic and dislocation energies.


Revaporization behavior of cesium and iodine compounds from their deposits in the steam-boron atmosphere

Rizaal, M.; 三輪 周平; 鈴木 恵理子; 井元 純平; 逢坂 正彦; Gou$"e$llo, M.*

ACS Omega (Internet), 6(48), p.32695 - 32708, 2021/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:13.70(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

This paper presents our investigation on cesium and iodine compounds revaporization from cesium iodide (CsI) deposits on the surface of stainless steel type 304L, which were initiated by boron and/or steam flow. A dedicated basic experimental facility with a thermal gradient tube (TGT) was used for simulating the phenomena. The number of deposits, the formed chemical compounds, and elemental distribution were analyzed from samples located at temperature range 1000-400 K. In the absence of boron in the gas flow, it was found that the initial deposited CsI at 850 K could be directly re-vaporized as CsI vapor/aerosol or reacted with the carrier gas and stainless steel (Cr$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$ layer) to form Cs$$_{2}$$CrO$$_{4}$$ on the former deposited surface. The latter mechanism consequently gave a release of gaseous iodine that was accumulated downstream. After introducing boron to the steam flow, a severe revaporization of iodine deposit at 850 K occurred (more than 70% initial deposit). This was found as a result of the formation of two kinds of cesium borates (Cs$$_{2}$$B$$_{4}$$O$$_{7}$$$$cdot$$5H$$_{2}$$O and CsB$$_{5}$$O$$_{8}$$$$cdot$$4H$$_{2}$$O) which contributed to a large release of gaseous iodine that was capable of reaching outlet of TGT ($$<$$ 400 K). In the case of nuclear severe accident, our study have demonstrated that gaseous iodine could be expected to increase in the colder region of a reactor after late release of boron or a subsequent steam flow after refloods of the reactor, thus posing its near-term risk once leaked to the environment.


Cesium chemisorbed species onto stainless steel surfaces; An Atomistic scale study

Miradji, F.; 鈴木 知史; 中島 邦久; 逢坂 正彦

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 136, p.109168_1 - 109168_9, 2020/01

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:12.28(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Under the scope of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1-F) severe accident (SA), Cs retention is of high interest as its impacts Cs distribution, decommissioning and dismantling work of the reactor. To derive consistent and appropriate models for such process, accurate thermodynamic properties of Cs chemisorbed species are required by the SA analysis codes. In particular, for CsFeSiO$$_4$$, a newly identified Cs chemisorbed species under conditions similar to 1-F SA, the thermodynamic data are unknown in literature. We propose in this work the obtention of the fundamental properties of this substance by theoretical approaches. The consistency and appropriateness of derived computational methodology have been investigated by calculating the thermodynamic properties of relatively known Cs-Si-O substances. It was found that our computational methodology provides excellent agreement with literature data lying between 1-4% for the formation energy, 1-5% for standard entropy and heat capacity. The thermodynamic properties of CsFeSiO$$_4$$ in function of temperature have been estimated for the first time using harmonic and quasi-harmonic approximations, values being consistent with both methodologies.


Modelling of cesium chemisorption under nuclear power plant severe accident conditions

Miradji, F.; 鈴木 知史; 西岡 俊一郎; 鈴木 恵理子; 中島 邦久; 逢坂 正彦; Barrachin, M.*; Do, T. M. D.*; 村上 健太*; 鈴木 雅秀*

Proceedings of 9th Conference on Severe Accident Research (ERMSAR 2019) (Internet), 21 Pages, 2019/03

Under the scope of analyses of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) Severe Accident (SA), estimation of Cs distribution, especially localization in the upper part of the core, has large uncertainties partly caused by the current implemented Cs-chemisorption models in SA analysis codes. This is in part due to the scarce knowledge related to Cs chemisorption mechanisms onto structure surfaces. The objective of this work is, therefore, to improve Cs chemisorption models by consolidation and extension of knowledge in the chemical process of Cs chemisorption. In this study, we will present in the first part experimental tests for grasping the phenomenology of Cs chemisorption onto stainless steel (SS) surfaces under reproductive conditions of 1F SA. The chemical factors involving in the Cs chemisorption process were investigated and implemented in an improved Cs chemisorption model based on a mass transfer theory. The second part of the study will discuss further improvement of built Cs chemisorption model to take into account revaporizaton process of Cs chemisorbed species. For such improvement, the thermodynamic properties of all possible Cs-(Fe)-Si-O chemisorbed species were provided using first-principles calculations. In the last part of the study, chemical equilibrium calculations were conducted to evaluate the relative stability of possible Cs-(Fe)-Si-O chemisorbed species in SA conditions.


Research on vitrification technology to immobilize radioactive sludge generated from Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant; Enhanced glass medium

天本 一平; 小林 秀和; 北村 直登*; 武部 博倫*; 三田村 直樹*; 都築 達也*; 深山 大元*; 長野 祐一*; Jantzen, T.*; Hack, K.*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(10), p.1467 - 1475, 2016/10

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:36.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Bromate removal from water samples using strongly basic anion exchange resin Amberlite IRA-400; Kinetics, isotherms and thermodynamic studies

Naushad, M.*; Khan, M. R.*; Alothman, Z. A.*; Awual, M. R.

Desalination and water treatment, 57(13), p.5781 - 5788, 2016/03

 被引用回数:60 パーセンタイル:92.91(Engineering, Chemical)

The removal of bromate from aqueous medium by Amberlite IRA-400 anion exchange resin was explored in order to identify the capability of this resin to remove bromate from real water samples. The effects of several physicochemical parameters such as contact time, initial bromate concentration, initial pH, and temperature were studied. The concentration of bromate was determined using ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The adsorption kinetics and isotherms were well fitted by pseudo-second-order model and Freundlich model, respectively.


Thermodynamics in density-functional theory and force theorems

千原 順三*; 山極 満

Progress of Theoretical Physics, 111(3), p.339 - 359, 2004/03

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:37.24(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Material Chemistry in Nuclear Environment (MATERIAL CHEMISTRY '02, MC '02); March 13-15, 2002, Tsukuba


JAERI-Conf 2003-001, 451 Pages, 2003/05


第3回材料化学国際シンポジウム(Third International Symposium on Material Chemistry in Nuclear Environment, MC'02)が、平成14年3月13日~15日の3日間、原子力基盤技術クロスオーバー研究の一環として、筑波研究交流センターで開催された。これまで、当該シンポジウムは原子力材料クロスオーバー研究グループが中心となって第1期(89~93),第2期(94~98)の各節目にそれぞれMC92,MC96として開催され、今回の第3期では計算科学及び陽電子ビームクロスオーバー研究グループと合同でMC'02として開催した。MC'02では、特に発電炉,再処理,核融合,加速器等の原子力技術の高度化に不可欠な複合環境用材料の課題と材料開発,計算科学,環境適応性評価技術等の最新技術開発動向に関して、国際的な専門家を集めて活発な討論が行われた。



野村 幹弘; 笠原 清司; 小貫 薫

JAERI-Research 2002-039, 24 Pages, 2003/01




Migration behavior of palladium in uranium dioxide

米山 充*; 佐藤 正知*; 大橋 弘士*; 小川 徹; 伊藤 昭憲; 福田 幸朔

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 247, p.50 - 58, 1997/00

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:30.36(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Investigation of thermodynamic properties of molten rare earth trichlorides by molecular dynamics method

岡本 芳浩; 林 博和; 小川 徹

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 247, p.86 - 89, 1997/00

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:67.87(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Thermodynamics of carbothermic synthesis of actinide mononitrides

小川 徹; 白数 淑郎; 湊 和生; 芹澤 弘幸

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 247, p.151 - 157, 1997/00

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:74.03(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Thermodynamic study of the dissolution of nitrogen in nitrogen-rich $$alpha$$-U$$_{2}$$N$$_{3+x}$$

芹澤 弘幸; 福田 幸朔; 桂 正弘*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 232, p.274 - 280, 1996/00

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:50.57(Chemistry, Physical)



Dense fuel cycles for actinide burning and thermodynamic database

小川 徹; 山岸 滋; 小林 紀昭; 伊藤 昭憲; 向山 武彦; 半田 宗男; R.G.Haire*

Global 1995,Int. Conf. on Evaluation of Emerging Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems, 1, p.207 - 214, 1995/00



Structure and stability Li$$_{2}$$CN molecule; An Experimental and ab initio study

工藤 博司; 橋本 雅史; 横山 啓一; Wu, C. H.*; A.E.Dorigo*; F.M.Bickelhaupt*; P.von-R.Schleyer*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 99(17), p.6477 - 6482, 1995/00

Knudsen effusion質量分析法によりLi$$_{3}$$SおよびLi$$_{4}$$S分子の熱力学量を決定し、非経験的分子軌道計算により求めた理論値と比較しながらこれら超リチウム化分子の熱力学的安定性、分子構造および結合状態について研究した。Li$$_{3}$$S分子はC$$_{3v}$$対称を、Li$$_{4}$$S分子はC$$_{2v}$$対称を有する構造が最も安定であり、オクテット分子であるLi$$_{2}$$Sに比べてそれぞれ33.1$$pm$$1.6kcal/mol及び83.9$$pm$$2.7kcal/mol安定な状態にある。Li$$_{3}$$Sの9個の原子価電子は(5a$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$(3e)$$^{4}$$(6a$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$(7a$$_{1}$$)$$^{1}$$、Li$$_{4}$$Sの10個の原子価電子は(6a$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$(3b$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$(7a$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$(3b$$_{2}$$)$$^{2}$$(8a$$_{1}$$)$$^{2}$$の配置をとる。Li$$_{3}$$Sの7a$$_{1}$$軌道及びLi$$_{4}$$Sの8a$$_{1}$$軌道にある電子はLi-Li結合によりケージを形成し、分子全体の安定化に寄与すると考えられる。


Thermodynamic properties and multiphase diffusion paths of the ternary system U-Zr-N

小川 徹; 赤堀 光雄

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 213-214, p.173 - 177, 1994/00

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:59.93(Chemistry, Physical)



Temperature dependence of equilibrium and rate constants of reactions inducing conversion between hydrated electron and atomic hydrogen

白石 浩二; G.R.Sunaryo*; 石榑 顕吉*

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 98(19), p.5164 - 5173, 1994/00

 被引用回数:78 パーセンタイル:91.60(Chemistry, Physical)



Statistical thermodynamic properties of uranium hexafluoride

小田 哲三

JAERI-M 93-052, 49 Pages, 1993/03




Thermodynamic properties of (U,Pu)N$$_{1-x}$$ with a sublattice formalism; Equilibria involving the nonstoichiometric nitrides

小川 徹

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 201, p.284 - 292, 1993/00

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:76.55(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)



Studies on chemical thermodynamics of hyperlithiated molecules by Knudsen-effusion mass spectrometry

工藤 博司

質量分析, 41(6), p.317 - 328, 1993/00


34 件中 1件目~20件目を表示